Webinar 4

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Customer Service

Mastering Learn how proactive customer service can drive customer satisfaction, reduce churn, and increase revenue. Discover strategies for anticipating customer needs, delivering personalized proactive support, and resolving issues before they escalate, ultimately creating a positive customer experience.

23, August, 1970
01:00 GMT

Customer Service Webinar

Explore the importance of customer feedback in driving service improvement initiatives. Learn how to effectively collect, analyze, and act upon customer feedback to identify pain points, enhance service delivery, and continuously improve the customer experience. Discover best practices for implementing a robust feedback loop to build customer loyalty and advocacy.

23, August, 1970
04:00 GMT
1 hout

Finance Leaders, Reevaluate Your Cost Optimization Strategy to Drive Long-term Returns

Finance leaders face a historic combination of headwinds: Inflation is at a 40-year high; talent is scarce and expensive; interest rates are rising; and we are in an endless cycle of economic and political uncertainty. The pandemic, high among several key factors, played a major role in forging this environment, compelling enterprises to seize the low-hanging fruit of cost reduction and automation and leaving them with more difficult cost structure options and tradeoffs. This complimentary webinar explores how the top finance teams use the unique selling points of their companies to hone in on a specific cost structure strategy, and how you can prioritize spending on areas that will produce the best long-term returns.

23, August, 1970